End FGM EU recent policy and advocacy achievements

Submission of GREVIO joint shadow report: Greece

Together with our Greek member, Diotima Centre, we successfully submitted a shadow report to the group of experts in charge of the monitoring of the application of the Istanbul Convention. This report showcased the current situation and proposed recommendations for the prevention, protection, prosecution and integrated policies on FGM in Greece. We are in touch with GREVIO to follow up on the country visit they carry out in 2023.

Link: https://rm.coe.int/end-fgm-eu-diotima-shadow-report-greece-/1680a79d09

Intersectional discrimination in the EU socio-economic situation of women of African, Middle Eastern, Latin American and Asian descent

We successfully contributed to the initiative report on intersectional discrimination in the EU socio-economic situation of women of African, Middle Eastern, Latin American and Asian Descent tabled by the Committee on Gender Equality and Women’s rights that was adopted on 6th of July 2022. We ensured the inclusion of Gender-based violence and the impact of intersecting types of discrimination for FGM Survivors.

Link: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2022-0289_EN.html

Keeping FGM high on the global agenda

End FGM EU has followed the UN Human Rights Council's adoption of the resolution on FGM and its cross-border impacts. We are happy to see that some of our comments regarding the use of stigmatising language were received and incorporated into the final texts. Our contribution was followed by a reaction, jointly with partners of the Global Platform for Action to End FGM/C, expressing our concerns about the backslide in the language and the absence of agreed language on sexual and reproductive health and rights. The Network stays highly involved in the work towards the adoption of future resolutions about FGM and will keep working closely with our global partners, including UNICEF, UNFPA and UN Women.

Link: https://twitter.com/GlobalFGMC/status/1547591737790439424